It’s over, but it’s only just begun. Heard that before?
Thunder’s Mouth Theatre has closed its first production, but we are planning to tour just as soon as we can get the funds, the venues, the gigs, the organisation generally and that will take time, but it will happen.
Our thanks to everyone who contributed, in any way, to this production, especially –
the June in November company: Tony Brockman, Jeff Turpin, Rebecca Li, Jason Glenwright, Sue Smith, Matthew Higgins, Therese Collie;
the delightful ushers who volunteered their time and energy to making our patrons comfortable;
those who volunteered to come onstage and perform a few lines of Shakespeare in return for a little bit of Dame June’s idiosyncratic coaching –
Brett Heath, Thomas Bishop, Matthew Higgins and David Keirnan;
our generous sponsors –
Joanna Cazden, Brett Heath, Sue Hillman, Heather Jones, Iain Kennedy, Jessie Kennedy, Owen Kennedy, Natalie Kennedy, Arthur Conias Real Estate
all who contributed to our fund-raising event, the CupCake Cabaret –
Kieran Davey, Joanne Loth, Jacqueline Ozorio, Glen Schafer, Andrew Wadley, The Magnificent Object Workers featuring Mrs McMinimum and Lyle, and Anna Greble, Nicole Matthews and Daria Wain (otherwise known as Anna Belle La Belle, Lillian Lace and Smashin’ Dash), Caitlin Browning, Lexie Boyle and The Fringe Bar team, and SideEffect Theatre (for the shout-out!);
all those who contributed to the development of the play, from its inception as a short sketch to its presentation at the Geoffrey last week –
Nigel Bell, Bernadette Cochrane, Micha Espinosa, Jennifer Flowers, John Graham, Gillian Kehoul, Judi Lehrhaupt, Vanja Matula, Mark Metzger, Aole T Miller, Sue Rider, Ira Seidenstein, Krystal Sweedman, Anna Yen, Brisbane Magdalena, ASDA, VASTA, EMSAH;
My advisory team at UQ –
Dr Joanne Tompkins, Prof. Richard Fotheringham and Dr James Smith
those who helped facilitate this production –
Stephen Martin and Kubler Auckland Management, Kris Plowman, Laboite Theatre Co, QTC Theatre Co, Stormy Wehi and the staff at EMSAH,
and finally, to all our audience members, who joined in the fun of the adventure, engaging with June’s lecture and the unfolding narrative of her disintegrating memory and her possible re-integration into her family – or whatever you thought the narrative involved. Thank you for bringing your imaginations and your enquiring minds to the party.
Thunder’s Mouth Theatre has just applied to be one of 19 companies offering rehearsed readings online – live-streaming on the internet – via 2AMT. We’ll let you know how that goes, and trust that you will join us on yet another exciting new venture, sharing our craft and making theatre that gets you thinking, and dreaming.