Updates – The Blog

And they’re off…

Tony and Flloyd have begun rehearsals, and here is a taste of the warm up on Tuesday.

Therese came in today to shake us up a bit, and we are looking forward to Jeff and Krystal joining us in a day or two.

Meantime, preparations are in hand for the CupCake Cabaret next week. We’ll be rehearsing on Sunday afternoon, getting to know each other in music and probably eating a bunch of cupcakes. Oops. Better get baking…

First Rehearsal

We hit the floor running – metaphorically and literally, and boy did we have fun.  Tony and I sat for a while discussing our ideal rehearsal practices, then we did a full warmup, and got the rafters ringing in a short space of time.

Then it was onto the floor, and playing, playing, playing. Lots of new stuff for me, considering I’ve been working on this script for over two years now, developing and refining it. I thought I knew it pretty well, but Tony surprised me over and over again. This is – FUN!

PHOTOS will follow…

In the meantime, get lively with your favourite Shakespeare Quotes for our Create an Undiscovered Play Project. It’s open to anyone willing to cough up $2 towards our production fund. And there’s more…

“Create an Undiscovered Shakespeare Play” project

At last, the time has come. No more waiting for the scholars to emerge from the dusty backrooms with the sacred texts clutched to their bosoms, desperate to prove that their scholarship alone can validate the veracity of authorship. Now you can help to write a Genuine Shakespeare Play, every word already validated by 400 years of scholarship.

To take part, go to http://www.indiegogo.com/June-Bloom, and for as little as a $2 contribution to our production fund you can submit your favourite quote from Shakespeare, to be part of this Great New Work.  Send us your favourite quote, we’ll add it to the script which you can follow on the special “Undiscovered Shakespeare Play” page on this blog.  Go there now, to see how far we’ve got. (OK, it’s not very far, but  we have to start somewhere!)

If you’d like to contribute more than $2, there are some pretty amazing VIP perks on offer, from autographed copies of the poster to actual participation in the production itself.