Head Down, Tail Up (so to speak…)

Filming on “Cascade Gardens Grand Supreme” finished yesterday, and the wrap party in Richard’s back yard was a lovely way to unwind (thanks for the beer!).

June heading for summerThe weather is definitely shifting, I just opened up my room let warm air float around June’s travelling set (wardrobe included) and the advance tickets I’ve been printing out.

Lines are FINALLY settling inside my head – even though my heart has owned them for months.

And after the successful launch of the crowd-funding campaign, to raise money for marketing and videography – THANK YOU Sue Hillman, Micha Espinosa and Catherine Fitzmaurice – I’ve decided to throw in another ‘perk’. For a $25 contribution, you can have a ticket to the show PLUS a pdf with the lyrics of all the original songs. “The words are adorable and the tunes catchy” according to Kim McClelland.

Booking are open, only two weeks and a bit to go!
